Brotherhood Honor
Brotherhood is the second highest honor in the Order of the Arrow. After 10 months of service as an Ordeal member and fulfilling certain requirements, a member may take part in the Brotherhood ceremony, which places further emphasis on the ideals of Scouting and the Order. Completion of this ceremony signifies full membership in the Order of the Arrow.
Why Brotherood?
The Brotherhood Conversion experience offers the opportunity for members to reaffirm their belief in the high purpose of the Order. Those tha undergo the Brotherhood Conversion will obtain a greater understanding of the customs and traditions of the Order and experience the Brotherhood Ceremony which is intended to serv as a source of inspiration that motivates brothers to continue their service to scouting. In addition, the Brotherhood experience is completely free and will allow you to make friends, network, and will potentially develop you as a future leader within the Chapter or Lodge.
Complete the following requirements and you may be eligible to seal your membership in the Order and enter the Circle of Brotherhood:
Serve 10 months as an Ordeal Member.
Be a registered and active member of a Scouting Program/Unit.
Be a registered and active member (dues paid) in the Nentico Lodge #12, Order of the Arrow.
Memorize the signs of Arrow Membership: Obligation, Official Song, and Admonition.
Submit a letter to the Lodge Secretary stating the following: Explain what you think the Obligation means; Describe how you have been fulfilling this Obligation in your unit and in your daily life, and how you have used your understanding of the Ordeal to aid in this service; and describe your specific plans for giving service in the lodge program.
Participate in the Brotherhood Ceremony
Eligible Brotherhood Candidates can receive assistance and training from the Chapter Vice Chief of Brotherhood. Participants will review requirements with the Chapter Vice Chief of Brotherhood and be alotted time to edit and modify their Brotherhood letters.
Where & When
Brotherhood conversions are typically held at all Lodge events hosted by the Nentico Lodge, Lodge Ordeal Weekends, as well as Harford District's Icicle Camporee. If you are interested in pursuing your Brotherhood or wish to get a jump start on the process please email the Harford Chapter Vice Chief of Brotherhood at our contact page here.